The Business Office Staff of Schuyler County Hospital District welcomes you to our facilities.
Your health and well being are our primary concern. We hope the information provided here answers your questions about our services, policies, and procedures.
We are sure you realize the cost of healthcare has gone up. We have done, and will continue to do, our best to keep your cost down. At the same time, we are sure you will be prompt and considerate in meeting your obligations to our facilities. We know from experience hospital bills can be complex and we work diligently to make our billing system easier to understand. If you would like to talk with someone about your bill and our billing procedures, our Business Office personnel will be happy to assist you.
Schuyler County Hospital District will not become involved in disputes arising from personal injury claims, such as automobile accidents, falls on a grocery store aisle or other liability situations. We will be happy to provide the necessary billing information and copies of your Medical Records (with proper consent from you); however, full financial responsibility for our services always rests with the patient, and payments must be made according to our guidelines.
The Hospital District will not become involved in family disputes arising from situations of divorce, custody or other matters. The Hospital District is not a party to any divorce decree or separation papers you may have and is not bound by the terms of that document.
Should an over-payment on your account occur, we will investigate and make a refund to the appropriate party. If the refund is to go to you, we will apply it to any other account balances you may have outstanding and will then refund any remaining balance to you.
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
(217) 322-4321 and ask for the Business Office