Our stroke support group is a community organization for stroke survivors and their family members, friends or others. It helps people learn more about strokes, share their experiences about strokes, and become inspired to move forward after their stroke.
What are the benefits of attending a Stroke Support Group?
A stroke can be very isolating. By meeting regularly, members help one another face and overcome common challenges by sharing experiences and encouraging one another. Sharing similar problems helps survivors learn to live with the changes. Our stroke support group offers survivors, their caregivers, and other family members chances to share concerns and support each other. They unite around their common experiences and find a positive solution.
How can Culbertson's Stroke Support Group help me?
- Culbertson's Stroke support group allows stroke survivors to help themselves and other survivors create meaningful lives after a stroke.
- New goals and friendships are started, renewing hope and encouraging independence.
- It can motivate passive “patients” to become thriving survivors and create active new roles for themselves.
- Provide a better understanding of your recovery, rehabilitation, and prevention of any recurrent strokes.
We Are Here To:
- SUPPORT: Life after stroke is full of challenges. Culbertson's stroke support group can encourage and strengthen stroke survivors' morale by celebrating individual accomplishments with each other.
- EDUCATE: Increase awareness for stroke survivors and their families on topics related to living life after stroke, providing community resources, etc.
- SOCIALIZE: We like to eat great food and have lots of fun. This provides an outlet to meet others who have been where you are and make new friends.
What can I expect while attending Culbertson's Stroke Support Group?
The meeting starts with a simple snack, then the guest speaker of the afternoon is introduced and may range from doctors, therapists, other medical professionals, stroke survivors or anyone else who can give insight into living life to the fullest after having a stroke. The meetings are always very casual, and we encourage questions, comments and conversations to allow us to learn from each other, as well as, get to know others going through similar challenges and successes.
Meetings are held six times a year in February, April, June, August, October, and December in the Therapy Gym, located in the new Outpatient Specialty Clinic, at the the hospital on the 3rd Wednesday of every even month at 3pm.