Guided by Advanced Technology – Ultrasound-guided Biopsies

January 13, 2020

Ultrasound-guided biopsies are performed right here at Culbertson Memorial Hospital. The most common form of image-guided biopsy, the ultrasound option offers convenience and real-time dynamic observation.

What can I expect from a procedure with an ultrasound-guided biopsy?

During the procedure, a radiologist will use an ultrasound scanner to accurately guide a needle to the site of the biopsy and take a sample. Then, your sample is sent to the laboratory for testing. Ultrasound-guided biopsies help make procedures safer and simpler for doctors and patients.

What type of procedures can be performed with an ultrasound-guided biopsy?

A biopsy, in general, can help diagnose abnormalities such as infection, inflammation, or malignancy. Using an ultrasound to help guide the extraction needle can help reduce stress on the body during the procedure. At Culbertson Memorial Hospital, we perform ultrasound-guided thyroid, breast, soft tissue mass, and lymph node biopsies. We also use this technology for ultrasound-guided paracentesis and therapeutic joint injections.

How does providing this advanced service help the community?

Dr. Patrick Rhoades, Clinical Radiologist at Culbertson Memorial explains, “We are improving access to care by allowing patients to stay close to home and be cared for in a hospital that is familiar to them. This is especially important during a lifetime of illness or uncertainty that can ease stress for both patients and their loved ones.”

Can I find out more information about ultrasound-guided biopsies at Culbertson?

Yes! Culbertson Memorial works to expand our high-quality services to better serve more of our patients. If you or a loved one want to learn more about this technology or other programs and services available, contact us here.