Helping You Breathe Better

May 4, 2020

May is Asthma Awareness Month.

Living with asthma can be scary at times. Without proper long-term treatment, symptoms can turn uncomfortable and dangerous if left unmonitored and uncontrolled. A key to treating asthma and its symptoms is understanding your personal triggers and how you plan to treat them.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is described as a condition where a person’s airways become inflamed, swell, and produce extra mucus making it difficult for a person to breathe. This condition ranges from mild to severe and can interfere with daily activities. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, wheezing and several others.

How is asthma normally treated?

Treating asthma depends on your lifestyle and the severity of your condition. Lifestyle factors include whether you are active, travel frequently, live in a certain location, or partake in risky behaviors like smoking, etc. Dependent on severity, asthma treatment could be anything from simply being mindful of your limits, keeping a rescue inhaler available in case of need, or use of longer-acting inhalers with oral steroid treatment to keep airways open.

 What are some triggers for asthma symptoms or attacks?

Exposure to various irritants and substances can trigger asthma symptoms, such as:

How does the team at Culbertson work with asthmatics to help their symptoms?

We offer a pulmonary specialty clinic through Central Illinois Allergy and Respiratory Service, every fourth Wednesday of the month. Richard Hutchinson, PA-C treats conditions such as asthma. To schedule an appointment, please call 217-522-5596 and request to be seen at the Rushville Clinic.

If you wish to learn more about asthma and how it may affect your daily living, contact us or visit us online!