The First Step? Taking Care of You.

November 23, 2020

Becoming a great caregiver starts with your own health & wellbeing.

Whether you’re a professional caregiver or simply caring for loved ones, caregiving helps bring a little bit of hope into the lives of their patients—even though it requires a lot of emotional resilience and strength. To provide the best possible care, it’s important to take care of you too.

What are some signs of “caregiver stress”?

The term “caregiver stress” relates to the emotional and physical stress of caregiving and it’s extremely common to experience. Signs of caregiver stress include:

Are there any other risk factors a caregiver may need to look out for?

Yes! Beyond just the everyday stressors of the job, some other lifestyle factors may lead to feeling greater effects of caregiver stress. Those risk factors include:

How can I best deal with caregiver stress?

With so many tools available, start by taking advantage of the resources that best benefit your individual needs.

Managing caregiver-related stress starts with:

  1. Accepting Help. Look for ways your company or friends can help support you.
  2. Focusing on What You Can Provide. Understand that you are doing the best you can.
  3. Setting Realistic Goals. Break large tasks into smaller, easier to accomplish ones.
  4. Staying Connected. Find out about caregiving resources in your company/community.
  5. Joining a Support Group. Look for likeminded support.
  6. Making Personal Goals. Set a good sleep routine, get active, and eat healthy.

Does Culbertson offer caregiving services or support for caregivers?

Yes! Senior Life Solutions at Culbertson Memorial Hospital is an outpatient counseling program that provides a safe atmosphere where older adults can gather with peers to learn effective ways to manage the stress in their lives. This program also offers support for caregivers and additional resources are available through the hospital.


If you or a caregiver you know are experiencing symptoms of caregiver stress, contact Culbertson Memorial Hospital or call (217) 322-4321 to talk with someone about your needs.